1. MS 760 Paris Jet The MS 760 was designed primarily by René Gauthier as a four-seat high-speed communications aircraft but was also easily adaptable for training and other duties. It is a derivative of the MS755 Fleuret who lost the military trainer competition against the Fouga Magister in 1953.
2. MS 760B Paris Jet II
Paris Jet II image gallery: Customers feedback on the Paris Jet II pointed primarily at the difficulty of embarking passengers into the canopy, the lack of real doors was sometimes problematic, particularly for female passengers. An early attempt at addressing this issue consisted of what was initially called the Paris Jet III - I have found only one picture of this design - which is basically a Paris Jet II with conventional doors. However, this design (I do not know whether this picture shows a mockup or a real aircraft) was not pursued, and the Paris Jet III designation was used for a more comprehensive redesign of the cabin, as explained below. 3. MS 760C Paris Jet III
Only one prototype was ever built, used for many years as a liaison aircraft by Aerospatiale.
The Paris III is now stored at the Le Bourget airport in Paris.
Last update : 4NOV09